ICMA® (Institute of Certified Management Accountants) wants members to know the following:

Special CSCA Promotion
Take your expertise in strategic planning, competitive analysis, and decision support to the next level by earning the CSCA® (Certified and Strategy and Competitive Analysis) credential. The next CSCA exam testing window is September 2018, and ICMA is having a special promotion: Sign up for the exam before June 30, 2018, and save more than $200 off registration costs. Just enter promo code CSCASEP18 at checkout. Visit this link to learn more.

CMA Exam Reminder
Remember: The next CMA® Certified Management Accountant) testing window is May/June. Candidates: Be sure to sign up soon!

Wanted: Exam Question Writers
Would you like to help create the content of the CMA or CSCA exam? If you’d like to serve as a subject-matter expert and become an exam question writer, then ICMA wants to hear from you.

Question writers work on an independent contracted basis writing multiple choice and essay questions, with writers compensated for accepted questions.

For more information or to receive an application, please contact Jill Passantino at (800) 638-4427, ext. 1534, +1 (201) 474-1534, or email at jpassantino@imanet.org.

Complete Your Job Analysis Survey
Every few years, ICMA conducts a job analysis survey to assess the skills most needed by accounting and finance professionals working in business today. The goal: to ensure that the CMA exam covers the most relevant topics and to make adjustments, when necessary.

All CMAs are urged to participate in this survey, which will soon be sent to all IMA members via email. Thank you for your cooperation.