Exposure Draft - Request for Comments

As the role of professional accountants evolves, so do the competencies they need in order to successfully pursue their careers. All accountants, including entry-level ones, need to develop deeper skills sets, encompassing an expanded set of competencies.

IMA chartered its IMA Management Accounting Competency Task Force with the goal of developing a comprehensive list of management accounting competencies and related learning outcome statements that faculty can use to design curricula that cover the management accounting competencies essential for all entry-level accountants.

In order to ensure the relevance of management accounting education, when developing its list of competencies, the Task Force was forward-looking, focusing on the competencies entry-level accountants will need to succeed in the future, and not just the ones commonly included in accounting education today.

The Task Force’s draft report details the management accounting competencies that all entry-level accounting professionals should possess regardless of whether they initially pursue a position in industry, public accounting, or elsewhere. It also contains suggestions for management accounting course topics that align with these essential competencies.

As part of its due process for developing competency recommendations, the Task Force has developed an Exposure Draft containing its recommendations. 

Comments on the Exposure Draft are requested by November 12, 2021.  

The Task Force will analyze and deliberate on comments received with the aim of issuing a final report by the end of the year.


Download the Report