“Drivers of change: Global perspective” outlines the US-relevant findings from a global survey conducted in 2012 by IMA and ACCA across their membership on 100 drivers of change for the global accountancy profession. By identifying and exploring emerging trends, it can help accountants and business leaders prepare for an uncertain tomorrow.
Key Insights
- In the future, accountants will be expected to play a far greater role in everything from strategic decision making to the design of new revenue models while maintaining a balance between financial stewardship and entrepreneurism in a global economy where businesses are operating in a volatile, uncertain, and competitive environment.
- In the immediate future, businesses and the accountancy profession are most concerned with rises in fuel and energy prices. In the more distant future, trends related directly to the profession, the economy, or politics play a greater role.
- The most significant driver that is expected to have the most impact in the medium term (2016 to 2022) is the requirement for businesses to provide increased nonfinancial information and the continued emergence of integrated reporting models.
- The focus of global governance institutions has also been cited as one of the top three long-term drivers. Institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, and UN are faced with greater pressures to respond to global changes from emerging nations that are becoming more influential.