Keep up with the latest news on fascinating technology trends—and read inspiring career and professional development stories—with weekly SF Alerts.

Subscribers to weekly SF Alerts get immediate access to bonus web-only content that’s not available in the print version of IMA’s award-winning Strategic Finance magazine. These special SF Alerts are offered as a free member benefit, published three times per month, and are only available by opt-in subscription. By subscribing to SF Alerts, members can ensure they receive access to web-exclusive blog posts as soon as they are published.

What’s in each SF Alert? Twice per month, the SF Alert brings you the latest SF TechNotes, a blog authored by Strategic Finance editor Michael Castelluccio, who has written SF TechNotes for 23 years and also edits the Tools and Tech Forum columns in the magazine. In his SF TechNotes blog, Mike offers a glimpse into the latest technology trends: AI, quantum computing, cryptocurrency, and many other topics.

Once a month, SF Alerts lets you know about the newest IMA Moments, a blog where IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) staff from around the world share their personal experiences with topics such as mentorship, networking, professional development, and other lessons they’ve learned in their careers.

Check out some of the latest blogs featured in TechNotes and IMA Moments:

Mentoring Helps to Close the Skills Gap

Staying Connected During the Pandemic

Freelance Hot Spots Around the Globe

Rolling Out Everyday Robots

Make sure you’re keeping up with the latest content that IMA has to offer on the issues that matter to your career—and discover some pretty interesting trends, too. Visit the SF blogs archive to see all prior blogs and to sign up (with your email) to start receiving SF Alerts.