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McGuire is the associate dean of the Romain College of Business and professor of accounting at the University of Southern Indiana. He is a long-time IMA volunteer leader, where he currently serves on the Board of Directors and as a member of the Performance Oversight and Audit Committee. Previously, he served as chair of IMA’s Governance, Planning and Development, Member Relations, Volunteer Leadership, and Performance Oversight and Audit Committees.
Commenting on McGuire’s appointment, Jeff Thomson, CMA, CSCA, CAE, IMA president and CEO, said, “We offer our congratulations to Brian on this well-deserved honor. Throughout his career, Brian has demonstrated a dedication to students and to visionary leadership that will prove a valuable asset to Beta Alpha Psi. We look forward to our continued partnership with Beta Alpha Psi as the organization celebrates, along with IMA, its 100-year anniversary.”
Among McGuire’s distinctions outside of IMA, he has held leadership positions in numerous professional and academic associations, including AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) International, where he serves as vice chair of the Accounting Accreditation Committee and as chair of the Associate Deans Affinity Group. He also serves as a member of the International Accounting Education Standard Board. Within BAP, McGuire served as chair of BAP’s Technology Task Force and as a member of BAP’s 100th Anniversary Planning Committee. In 2016, he was awarded the BAP Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award.
“I’m honored to be selected to serve as president-elect and, ultimately, president of Beta Alpha Psi – an organization, similar to IMA, that is near and dear to my heart. I look forward to working with the BAP Executive Board over the coming years to ensure that student members receive value from the organization, including the resources they need to become ethical, professional, and confident leaders,” said McGuire.
Sandra Richtermeyer, Ph.D., CMA, CPA, another former IMA Global Board Chair, also served as BAP president. She just completed her 2017-2018 term and is now BAP’s past president.
Founded in 1919, BAP is an honor organization for financial information students and professionals; its primary objective is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field. Headquartered in Durham, N.C., BAP has more than 300 chapters on college and university campuses in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand with more than 300,000 members initiated since its formation.
For more information on BAP, please visit