Help bring real-world ethical dilemmas to life for students by participating in the IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) Annual Carl Menconi Ethics Case Writing Competition. The competition, sponsored jointly by IMA’s Committee on Ethics and IMA’s Professor-in-Residence, Raef Lawson, Ph.D., CMA, CPA, is open to accounting and finance academics as well as practitioners, and joint submissions are encouraged. Full submission guidelines can be found on the IMA website.

The goal of the competition, now in its 12th year, is to develop and distribute teaching cases that focus on business ethics with specific application to management accounting and finance issues. Among other submission guidelines, eligible cases must employ the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice as a tool or reference and be suitable for use in undergraduate or graduate classrooms or in IMA chapter continuing professional education (CPE) programs.

The competition is named in memory of Carl Menconi, an educator who held leadership positions in IMA for many years, including chair of the Committee on Ethics, and taught part time at his alma mater, Northern Illinois University.

Said Ed Manley, CPA, chair of the IMA Committee on Ethics, “Ethics and ethical behavior are critical to success, in both business and life, and educators play an important role in helping to impart this knowledge to the next generation. Educators shape the minds of tomorrow’s leaders, and they have the privilege of helping to build a foundation for good decisions in the future. Everyone will likely face difficult circumstances in life, and through the effective use of case studies such as those developed for this competition, educators can create a teaching experience that might help students when those circumstances arise.”

He continued, “Over the past several years, we’ve received numerous outstanding submissions for this competition. Our committee has been impressed by the level of creativity and innovation reflected in the submissions, and we thank those who have invested their time and talent in helping to develop these valuable teaching tools. We encourage all eligible IMA members to take part in this important competition, and we especially encourage joint submissions between academics and practitioners.”

The deadline for submissions is January 26, 2018, with winners being notified by March 1, 2018. The winning case will be featured in Strategic Finance magazine, and the case author or team will be recognized at IMA’s Annual Conference & Expo in Indianapolis, Ind., in June 2018. The winning case author or team will also receive a $500 cash prize and one complimentary Conference registration.

The winning case of last year’s competition, “Trouble with Transfer Pricing,” was authored by Margo Howard, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the College of William & Mary. The case was featured in the July 2017 issue of Strategic Finance, and Dr. Howard was recognized at IMA’s Annual Conference & Expo in Denver, Colo., this past June.

Please visit Carl Menconi Ethics Case Writing Competition for further details. For questions or additional information, please contact Dr. Lawson at