Event Recaps from Across Our Region


IMA Europe recently held several well-attended events:

Strategic Finance Dinner in Istanbul

IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) hosted a Strategic Finance Dinner in Istanbul, an exclusive event where CFOs gathered to share insights, network, and shape the future of finance. The gathering was an excellent opportunity to come together as a community and gauge how IMA can partner with multinational organizations in Türkiye. The connections made during the meeting should serve as a foundation for future corporate synergies for IMA Europe. See this LinkedIn post to learn more.

Participants at the NBA Annual Conference in Amsterdam


NBA Annual Conference in Amsterdam

IMA was delighted to participate in the annual conference of the Dutch Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants (NBA).

Alain Mulder, IMA managing director of Europe and Central Asia, who was among those who attended, observed about the conference, “Among the 800+ attendees, 34% represented accountants in business, underscoring our profession's pivotal role in fostering economic value and corporate success and driving the profession.

“A major focus of the conference centered on envisioning the future of our profession and strategies to attract fresh talent into our ranks. Our global community offers the advantage of accessing diverse resources and learning best practices from various countries.”

He continued, “IMA’s attention is directed toward studying talent retention in the European market and devising methods to cultivate a richer talent pipeline. We're committed to promptly sharing our discoveries and best practices, contributing to the growth of the accounting talent pipeline in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. IMA has a robust, enduring community and a dedicated commitment to the Dutch market, and we have played a role in the local development of the profession in the Netherlands for more than 35 years now.”

IMA members standing in front of an NBA conference banner

A stage at the NBA Annual Conference in Amsterdam


IMA Switzerland Chapter

The Switzerland Chapter hosted a webinar in October, titled “Branding Yourself on LinkedIn,” featuring LinkedIn expert Vaclav Sulista. He provided a live demonstration on LinkedIn, and discussed how the LinkedIn algorithm works, practical advice for making profiles stand out, and some helpful networking tips.

In late November, the chapter also hosted a webinar titled, "Scenario-Based Performance Management.” It featured a deep-dive session with Danield Schlatter, senior project manager at Horváth and Partners Management Consultants in Zurich.

The session covered: Driving forces in the finance function to adapt to a dynamic business environment; core components of scenario-based performance management; benefits of scenario modeling; and success factors in scenario modeling implementation.


U.K. Chapter

On 16 November, the U.K. Chapter hosted a well-attended workshop titled, “IMA Leadership Academy Workshop: Communicating in the 21st Century.”

The event offered 1.5 CPE credits and was led by Areeba Hassan, CMA, CIA, CRMA, IMA Leadership Academy faculty member, IMA Committee on Ethics member, and IMA Component Engagement Roundtable member; and Alex Durham, board member and student chapter liaison for the IMA Las Vegas Chapter.

The session included a discussion about how to define and categorize types of communication.

This includes assessing communication obstacles and identifying solutions; outlining how communication in the workplace has changed due to technology; and explaining how good communication enhances leadership abilities. Learn more on LinkedIn.