Get Exam-Ready with CMA Candidate Webinars
IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) offers various ways to help candidates learn about and prepare for the CMA® (Certified Management Accountant) exam.
CMA Candidate Webinar Series
These free one-hour webinars provide expert advice to help increase your chances of performing well on the exam.
The first webinar for 2023, “The CMA Exam: Test-Taking Tips and Strategies,” was held on April 25 and featured presenters Tyler Skelton, IMA academic outreach manager, Western U.S.; Laurie Burney, Ph.D., CMA, CSCA, associate professor at Baylor University and IMA Professor-in-Residence; and Genessa Bivins, CMA, in-charge accountant, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama.
During this interactive discussion and information session, the presenters covered tips to help prepare candidates for the CMA testing experience. Areas covered included:
- Effective study approaches
- Time management strategies
- Exam grading guidelines
- Prometric Test Center experience during exam day
A recorded version of the webinar will soon be available in this archive (member login required).
Upcoming dates for the balance of 2023 are:
August 15 (12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET): “The CMA Exam Essays: Everything You Need to Know!” This session will discuss how to optimize performance on the essay section of the exams for a better score. Areas covered include how the essay responses are graded; how to maximize your point-earning potential on each essay; and how to manage your time wisely.
October 24 (12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET): “The CMA Exam: Navigating Multiple-Choice Questions.” In this session, speakers will cover a general overview of the exam content, followed by some general study tips that can be helpful in preparing for the exam. You’ll learn about the importance of establishing a regular study schedule; creating your own flashcards and notes; studying topics you find difficult or challenging; and more.
Archived versions of prior candidate webinars can be found at CMA Candidate Series.
“Upskill with the CMA” Webinar
For those looking to learn more about the CMA exam, IMA will offer its special, free “Upskill with the CMA” webinar on September 18.
During this interactive discussion, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from CMAs as they explore why the CMA is a global passport, helping to create true business partners that drive strategy and decision making. The discussion will feature a “fireside chat” with three panelists, all CMAs working in a variety of roles and industries, who will discuss the value of the CMA to their careers and their organizations. Discussion topics include:
- The changing role of the modern CFO’s organization
- The benefits of earning the CMA
- The content and structure of the CMA exam
- The steps to becoming a CMA
Watch your email this summer for registration information.