ICMA® (Institute of Certified Management Accountants) wants members to know the following:

Wanted: Exam Question Writers
Would you like to help create the content of the CMA® (Certified Management Accountant) or CSCA® (Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis) exam? If you’d like to serve as a subject-matter expert and become an exam question writer, then ICMA wants to hear from you.

Question writers work on an independent contracted basis writing multiple choice and essay questions, with writers compensated for accepted questions.

For more information or to receive an application, please contact Jill Passantino at (800) 638-4427, ext. 1534, +1 (201) 474-1534, or email at jpassantino@imanet.org.

Wanted: Exam Graders
Want to help grade the essay portion of the CMA exam? ICMA is looking for qualified individuals to serve as graders for this important section of the exam.

Graders work on an independent contracted basis and can be based anywhere in the world. For more information or to receive an application, contact Jill Passantino at (800) 638-4427, ext. 1534, +1 (201) 474-1534, or email at jpassantino@imanet.org.

New Prometric User Experience
Some minor visual enhancements are in store for the format of the CMA exam: Beginning next year, the exam will look different on the computer screen.

The changes are being implemented at all Prometric Testing Centers around the world and for both exam parts. The changes are designed to enrich the user experience for test-takers: Graphics will be improved, and the exam format will be easier to follow. Note that these changes will affect the exam format and visual experience only; no content changes are being made at this time.

Candidates can get a feel for the new testing environment by visiting this link: https://www.prometric.com/_layouts/results/index.html (ADOBE FLASH PLAYER REQUIRED).

The new exam experience will take effect on January 1, 2019.

CMA and CSCA Testing Windows
The next CMA testing window is January/February 2019. Candidates: Be sure to sign up soon!

The next testing window for the CSCA exam is March 2019. Be sure to register by the end of February to secure your spot.