The Global Economic Conditions Survey (GECS) is one of the most comprehensive surveys of its kind, both for its number of respondents and for the range of economic variables it monitors. IMA and ACCA members from around the world share their insider views on the macro-economic environment as they see it. Within themed countries and regions, the GECS is regarded as a good predictor of GDP growth. Its correlations with the VIX, or “fear,” index are well-established. It is a trusted source for gauging the overall performance of the global economy.

Three levels of analysis are provided:

  • Global: Providing an overall picture of respondent confidence
  • Thematic: Weighing in on socio-political trends
  • Regional: Interpreting policy changes, government actions, and current events in 9 regions

Key Findings of the Second Quarter 2024 Survey

  • Confidence among global accountants and financial professionals improved again in Q2 2024, despite a big fall in North America
  • In Western Europe, consistent with the continued recovery in the Euro area and UK economies, there was a small rise in confidence.
  • Asia-Pacific is registering benefits to improvements in the global economy, including the manufacturing and technology sector, with small increases in confidence.
  • The global “fear” indices eased in the last quarter.