When preparing for an exam like the CMA? (Certified Management Accountant), it?s important to play to your strengths. That means knowing how you learn best and using that information to make the most out of your study time.

Most industry experts agree that there are different types of learners: Visual; Auditory; Kinesthetic; and Read-Write. How do you know which one you are? Says Debbie Warner, CPLP, CAE, IMA vice president of Education and Career Services, ?Think about the method that has worked best for you in the past. Does writing out your notes help you remember things better? Then you?re probably a read-write learner. Or maybe you find it easier to recall information when you listen to a lecture. If so, you?re likely an auditory learner. Most people, in fact, are a combination of different types of learners, so that?s why it?s important to incorporate a variety of elements into your study regime.?

Below are some ways each type of learner can consider guiding their CMA exam test prep:

Visual Learners
  • Draw pictures: Visual learners perform best when they learn information through drawings, charts, and other pictorial elements rather than purely text-based review materials. If this appeals to your learning style, practice turning written information into graphic representations.
  • Watch videos: Visual learners can benefit greatly by watching videos or webinars to prepare for an exam.
Auditory Learners
  • Listen and learn: Auditory learners learn best by listening to information and sharing it with others. If this sounds like you, courses that include lectures and engagement via team exercises may be your best bet. Listening to video recordings of lectures can also be a helpful tool. If you find yourself getting distracted by the images in the videos, minimize the window and just listen to the speaker.
  • Study out loud: Auditory learners also can benefit from speaking and hearing themselves speak. Therefore, it can be helpful for auditory learners to talk out loud when they study. This may include asking oneself questions, paraphrasing important points, and repeating key words.
Kinesthetic Learners
  • Learn by doing: Kinesthetic learners process information best when they are able to practice the concepts in order to learn them better. This could include taking practice tests, reviewing knowledge checks, and studying actual case studies ? all of which require the learner to practice something rather than just reading or hearing about it.
  • Use physical props: Since kinesthetic learners learn best by doing, they should add props to their study routine. These learners should use flash cards; different colored pens, pencils, and highlighters; and sticky notes to get more actively engaged in the studying process.
Read-Write Learners
  • Rewrite your notes: Read-write learners can use reading and writing as part of their study regimen. Gather any test prep notes you have and rewrite them from start to finish; this will also allow you to improve on your original notes in case you left any details out the first time or do not understand your wording.
  • Write summaries or essays: Read-write learners should consider turning graphs and charts into handwritten summaries. They can also benefit from writing out the answers to extra review questions.
Concluded Warner, ?Before creating a test prep regimen for yourself, take your learning style into account. What works well for one type of learner could be ineffective for you.?

IMA? (Institute of Management Accountants) offers a variety of ways to prepare for the CMA exam. Visit https://www.imanet.org/cma-certification/taking-the-exam to learn more.